
Ysgol Gynradd

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Primary School


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Coety Primary School Attendance


This academic year (2024 - 2025) our school attendance target is 95.9%.


At Coety Primary School, we are committed to ensuring regular attendance at school, which is a priority, providing pupils with the best possible chances in life to succeed and achieve their goals.


Regular school attendance is essential for all pupils. Failure to attend school regularly can increase the risk of leaving school without qualifications and the likelihood of pupils being drawn into criminal and anti-social behaviour.


Our school will work with parents/carers, pupils and the local authority to ensure that all pupils receive appropriate education and attend school regularly.

2024-2025 Attendance Tracking Target Sheet

Coety Primary School Attendance Policy 2024 - 2027

Pencoed Cluster Attendance Newsletter - December 2023

Holiday in Term Time Request Pro-forma

PHW Exclusions Period for Common Infections May 2023

