Child Protection/Safeguarding
Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Lead (DSL) Teachers
Mrs. S. Davies (Deputy Headteacher & ALNCo) is the named DSL
Mrs. A. Morris (Reception & Senior Leader for Nursery & Reception) is the named deputy DSL
Should you have any concerns related to safeguarding or Child Protection, please contact the school office to speak with the named DSLs. As a school we have a legal obligation to share information with other agencies as necessary.
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025
Contact Details
Telephone Referrals
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Telephone Referrals - 01656 642320
Email Referrals
Postal Address
Ravens Court
Brewery Lane
CF31 4AP
Emergency Out Of Hours Telephone Number - 01443 743 665